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Rogues Gallery

Does your family have any dark secrets, a black sheep or stories that have been passed down? You may even have long lost family deported from these shores. Then the Rogues Gallery is the place to start your research. It was common practice in the past for the justice system to incarcerate or deport people for offences that may today seem quite minor. These sometimes get reported & we can potentially help you find this history. Though sometimes the outcome may not always be a happy one, this still proves a fascinating insight into social history of the past. 

Please be aware that we do not offer any current services regarding criminal justice or private investigating services. All our research can only include past lives and records relating to those people. 

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Selecting options from our Special drop-down menu. focusses the research on a particular subject. These options are more targeted research & tend to be charged at our hourly rate. Because of the nature & unpredictability of results, it is difficult to predict the time involved on this type of research. Please contact us for more information regarding our hourly charges. Rest assured, you are always in control of any research we undertake therefore you are always in control of the costs. Where hourly charges are applied, we always allow you to set the limits & do not proceed without consent from yourselves.

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