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Military History

Our Military History option researches all aspects of a persons time spent in the forces. Working within the current privacy laws for living persons, we are able to research some aspects of WWII, there are still restrictions on some operations & which may be restricted. Most WWI Information is available to research & in some cases even earlier campaigns. Under current restrictions, the M.O.D. will not re-issue medals. However, sometimes these can still be replaced at cost or potentially traced through private sources. 

You may wish to research regiment history and or a particular campaign or operation. If this is required, then we will construct all aspects of this for you. We can also work with the War Graves Commission in tracing lost ones and their final resting place & this may lead to photographs of the location, or any headstone in place. 

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Selecting options from our Special drop-down menu, focuses the research on a particular subject. These options are more targeted research & tend to be charged at our hourly rate. Because of the nature & unpredictability of results, it is difficult to predict the time involved on this type of research. Please contact us for more information regarding our hourly charges. Rest assured, you are always in control of any research we undertake, therefore you are always in control of the costs. Where hourly charges are applied, we always allow you to set the limits & do not proceed without consent from yourselves.  

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