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House History

In our House History research, we can trace the history of your property through census information, land registry & local maps. Showing detailing the previous occupants & how the house was utilised. Using our research we can construct a timeline from its past to present day. You may wish to look at the local geography that is in your area through local maps & landscape. In some cases, we can help you interpret your building, its architecture & construction. 


It is essential to recognise issues with graded buildings & the restrictions that this can dictate to your property, but please take into consideration that we are not surveyors & that we only deal in the history surrounding your building, locality & landscape. 

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Selecting options from our Special drop-down menu, focuses the research on a particular subject. These options are more targeted research & tend to be charged at our hourly rate. Because the nature & unpredictability of results, it is difficult to predict the time involved on this type of research. Please contact us for more information regarding our hourly charges.Rest assured, you are always in control of any research we undertake therefore you are always in control of the costs. Where hourly charges are applied, we always allow you to set the limits & do not proceed without consent from yourselves.

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